Monday, May 18, 2009

A Water Baby is Born!

Ella got in the pool for the first time on Saturday.  And despite the concerned look on her face, she loved it!  It will be so fun to create new memories with her this summer!  (Although most of our swimming will probably be during her nap time.)    


Glen and Rachel said...

Did I mention that it was 55 degrees outside yesterday? But today it is 60! Woohoo!!! Ella is so cute.

Amy said...

Lots of posts to catch up on! Those field trips looked like a lot of fun. Ella is so adorable. My niece was like that too, just content to be, didn't feel like moving around.

Amy said...

Your kids are darling and it's fun to stay caught up on your family when I get into blogging once every few months! :) Hope you are staying cool with the pool--we are just starting to warm up around here and it's beautiful. Looking forward to a little swimming this summer.

Jaclyn said...

Love it-- Mae loves the water too. A bit scary since she also climbed her first stairs yesterday! My mom is having scary dreams already-- Love Ella's little water shirt too!

Katie's Krazy Klan said...

She is getting so big...and she's adorable! She always seems so content. Is that how she really is...or are all of her pictures decieving?

Sarah Novak said...

This is your niece Sarah. I am the one typing this (not mom) because I have a Gmail account and mom has Yahoo! Muahahaha! (That is supposed to be an evil laugh) Anyway, I got a camera for Christmas (after YEARS of begging) and dad said he wanted to make a blog like EVERYONE else. But, this was like, half a year ago. We started it with ONE picture, and then *poof* like it never existed. I am going to beg Dad to teach me how to work it.

Sarah Novak said...

Oh, and by the way, (not to sound momish) my cousins have gotton so big! I don't think I have even met Ella...

JacksonFamily said...

Sarah!!!! Yeah!!! I'm so excited to hear from you. I'm not surprised you had to beg for years for a camera, considering who your parents are! Ha Ha! Tell your dad to get the blog going so we can be best bloggers!

Aunt Becca

Chris and Michelle said...

She is adorable! And referring to the post below, I say count your blessings that she's not so mobile at this point. Crawling ='s chaos so the longer it's put off, the better, right? They all catch up sooner or later! She seems like such a sweetheart and what a cutie she is!

Sarah Novak said...

Okey Dokey! (Or however you spell it) I will be sure to ask him!


Sarah Novak said...

I have a problem. I finally got Dad to show me how to start a blog, but I can't get my own background (or layout) because in my dashboard area, there is not "layout" button as Google Help said their would be. There is just a "edit posts" and a "settings". On the help thing it said my "layout" tab should be right after these. What do I do?

Sam and Carmin said...

Did you melt in the heat?