Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Aubrey!

Today is Aubrey's 6th birthday and I've realized that I haven't posted much about her.  If I have one regret it would be that I didn't start my blog three years ago when she was little.  Aubrey was one of those three-year-olds who would say the darnedest things.  And now I can't remember any of them and I wasn't smart enough to write them down.  One thing about Aubrey is that she suffers from a terrible case of selective hearing.  If you do not first say her name when you want her attention and if she is not looking straight at you eye to eye, don't plan on her hearing one word you say.  But we can overlook that because she is such a joy and we sure do love her!  Happy Birthday Auby daubs!             


Glen and Rachel said...

Happy Birthday, Aubrey! My favorite memory of Aubrey is when I came with you and your other Joy School moms to the Arizona Science Center. There was a boy in the little kids' area that was too old to be in there, so Aubrey kicked him in the shin. Then she stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips as he ran away. Classic.

Katie's Krazy Klan said...

Happy birthday. Hope you all had a good time and ate lots of cake!

Jeanerbee said...

WHAT?! SIX? I used to teach her in NURSERY!!!! I. FEEL. OLD. Happy Birthday Aubrey!