Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cluck Cluck

Is it funny to anyone else when their child unintentionally curses?  Tonight Quinn was hopping around my room flapping his arms like a chicken and repeating over and over again what, I think, was suppose to be cluck cluck.  Only he was not saying cluck cluck.  I was laughing hysterically.  And the faster he hopped and the more he repeated it the harder I laughed.  

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Holy Shmoly, it's Planet Orange!

There are few things in life that get me overly excited or overly upset. Since being overly upset is no fun to talk about I'll tell you one of the things that gets me overly EXCITED! It's when my husband calls me Friday afternoon (or any afternoon for that matter) and says, "COURT SIDE BABY!" I immediately start squealing and moving my arms in a really rapid circular motion. "COURT SIDE BABY" means that the blessed man commonly known as Dave's boss is unable to use his Suns tickets and has graciously offered them to us. Oh yes, and did I mention they are COURT SIDE. I thoroughly enjoy watching basketball although, on the TV it is hard for me to get in to unless it's a REALLY GOOD game. I'd much rather see it live. And no, I don't have to be sitting court side but oh my, how it helps. There is just something about the sweat of the players falling on you that is just so exhilarating. OK, now I am getting silly. The pictures speak for themselves.

I know, I know Stevie, I didn't understand the call either.

Yes, he really is that BIG!

AAAAAWWWWW....Any girl who attended high school in the Phoenix area in the 90's knows this man. Oh Dan, if only I were a little bit older and you were a little bit moral.

Just because you might not believe me when I tell you the price to the tickets.

Richardson being interviewed after the game. Maybe they are asking him about all of his DUI's?

Lucky number 13...Please don't ever leave us Stevie!

Monday, February 9, 2009

It Breaks Your Heart!

Here are the pictures of Quinn in the ambulance and hospital after his accident (see my post in January if you're not sure what I'm talking about).  How heartbreaking is that?  He was such a trooper.  He never screamed or cried when they were working on him.  He just seemed a little annoyed at everything.  

They gave Quinn a breathing treatment in the ambulance.  The medics were almost more concerned about his asthma then anything.  I'm sure they have had some pretty close calls when it comes to asthma.  Didn't want to take any chances of him having a major attack.  They took very good care of him.  You can see Quinn holding Daddy's hand at the bottom of the picture.

Happy Birthday Dailee!

Daileebug turned the big 8 years old yesterday.  I can't believe I have an eight year old daughter!  It sounds so cliche to say how fast they grow but it's so true.  We took her and a few friends to the White Tanks for a picnic and a hike.  We had a great time.      

Sunday evening Grandma and pa Jackson came over to sing happy birthday.  I didn't have an "8" candle but I did have three that added up to eight! 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Splish Splash

I don't see anything wrong with this picture.  You mean your kids bath water doesn't look like that after their done?

It's Snow Fun!

Over Christmas vacation we took our kids up to Flagstaff for a snow day!  The kids had a blast!  The desert rats lasted a whole three hours in the snow.  Well two of the four did anyway.  Mom, Aubrey and Ella spent about half of that in the car.  
Ella just going with the flow like she always does. 
Aubrey liked sledding the least although you can't really tell that in this picture.  She sure is a good sport. 
Quinn started off sledding with dad but it only took a few times down the hill and he was sledding on his own.  He went by himself down the BIG hills!  He loved it.    
Dailee, aka, Master Sledder

Monday, February 2, 2009

I don't get it...

I've had a few people talk to me about opening a facebook account.  But I just don't get it. Can someone please help me understand Facebook?  So you go on the computer and communicate with your friends and get in touch with friends from the past.  I guess my question comes because a few months ago my former sister-in-law emailed me and told me a friend of mine was trying to get a hold of me.  It was a male friend of mine from EAC.  He looked up Becca Terry in Peoria and came up with her thinking it might be me.  This guy was a great friend of mine, we never dated, just friends.  His facebook picture was him with his wife and little baby.  I went on his facebook and could see that he had other people from EAC on there.  But seriously, am I really interested in getting in touch with all of these people?  A year and a half ago we had an EAC reunion.  I was on the committee and we sent out about 500 invitations (actually I have no idea how many we sent out but it was a lot) and only about 40 people and their spouses came.  So if everyone is so interested in keeping in touch why didn't they come to the reunion?  Maybe it was a bad weekend or too far to travel or too expensive. Dave has never mentioned anything about facebook but I can't imagine myself saying "Oh sure sweetie, go ahead and accept all of the girls from your past as friends, I'd like to know what they are up to too."  And no this isn't a trust or loyalty issue I just don't see how that is a good idea.  On the other hand, I'd love to get in touch with some of my old roommates that I'm sure are on facebook.  So, I guess I could accept the girls as friends and tell the boys to bug off and go hug their wife.  But then that would come across rude because I know their intentions would be totally innocent and they would think holy cow who does she think she is?  Ok, so this might all stem from some counsel I heard a long time ago and I don't remember who said it but it was someone of significance.  They just counseled that we not keep in touch with past boy/girlfriends after marriage.  But then again people change.  But then again it is good counsel.  Anyway I have rambled off way too long about a subject that may have offended some people since everyone has a facebook account (of which I have no idea who you are because I don't have one).  And maybe I'm just jealous of facebook because I feel so out of it since I don't have an account.  Hopefully I don't sound too negative.  I really am a "glass is half full type person".  But I just don't get it.