Tuesday, July 28, 2009


At the beginning of the month we had the opportunity to go up to Utah to visit family. We had a blast with cousins we haven't seen in a couple of years. Here are some of the highlights...

Our first stop was the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house. What a beautiful temple! I loved standing on the grounds of the temple overlooking the valley and being able to see the Jordan River and Draper Temple too. Gotta love Utah!

Two of my wonderfully fabulous sisters that both live a thousand miles away from me. Sniff, sniff. We are the latter three of my mother's six children. Rachel Thomas and her family live in the Seattle area and Liz Novak and her family live somewhere in Michigan. Oh, and Ella snuck in there too.

My sisters with our families.

This was my families first temple open house. We can't wait until the open house of our very own temple here in Phoenix!

Six of us signed up to run the 10K Freedom Run, Glen & Rachel, John (my bro) me, and Melissa (my sister) and Jared Novak (Liz's husband who missed the photo op.). Glen was the winner coming in at 41 minutes!

I don't know what everyone else excuse is but I am a DESERT RUNNER! Give me HOT, FLAT, DRY, FLAT, LOW ELEVATION, and FLAT land.

Every 4th of July my Grandma's ward has a program at the neighborhood park. The primary kids always sing a few songs. My girls weren't interested in participating but Quinn didn't hesitate at the chance and Great Grandma Petersen got up with him.

Here is the only picture I got of my Grandma Pete. She turned 86 this year and still lives in the beautiful home my Grandfather built over 50 years ago.

At the Provo parade on the 4th. The floats were great but according to Lauren, Brittany, Dailee and Aubrey these puppies were even better.

The evening of the 4th Dave and Quinn grabbed their mitts and headed to the Provo Temple to watch the fireworks. Quinn's expression says it all. There is no one he would rather be with then Dad. And Dailee, Aubrey and I went to...

Whaa Hoo! Jonas Brothers!!! Actually I'm not that big a fan, I know a couple of there songs but they put on a great show!

This is the Payson City Pool. If you want to avoid the expense or crowds it's a great alternative to Seven Peaks. This is cousin Sarah going down the slide.

BBQ at Uncle Brent's house the night before we left.

Aubrey with her best friend and cousin Emma. They only get to see each other once every one to two years. So they were inseparable once they got together.

Quinn and Jacob became great pals. They are both the only boys in their family and each have three sisters.


Glen and Rachel said...

I miss you guys! I love the random picture of Ella and Grace at the end. I also love the confused look on Grace's face, and how her onesie is on backwards...whose child is that anyway?

Carly said...

Wow! Looks like you had a blast! What a fun vacation.

Sam said...

Thats funny I was going to tell you how cute Quinn was singing in primary on Sunday.