Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm Going to Disneyland!!!

On Friday, March 6th I decided that I needed to get away.  Not from my kids but from home.  I have been wanting to take the kids to Disneyland for quite some time but Dave and I have been in a money saving mode.  But that Friday I cracked and by Sunday evening we were off to Disneyland.  On the way there I started having second thoughts.  We took our kids to Disneyland three years ago when they were 5, 3, and 8 months and we swore we would not be back for at least another 5 years.  But I couldn't wait that long.  They're not going to be young forever.  Well, I must say that the trip went great!  No wining, no complaining, no overly tired kids asking to be held while you waited in line.  All four of them did great!  

In fact the only setback was me.  I woke up at 4 a.m. Monday morning with what felt like the stomach flu.  I was so bummed and so sick.  I was determined to make it though, what choice did I have.  Dave gave me a blessing and off we went.  I held up pretty good.  In fact it felt like I was pregnant.  No, I'm not.  I just had that sick to my stomach nauseated feeling but I knew I had to keep going.  Just like when you are pregnant.  Well, I made it through the day but the minute we got back to the hotel I started feeling terrible again and by 1 a.m I finally tossed my cookies.  And on that note...enjoy the pictures!       

Quinn didn't feel like posing for a picture and refused to look at the camera.  
The Finding Nemo ride.
I think I've mentioned a time or two on my blog about what a good baby Ella is.  Well, Disneyland was no different.  We debated leaving her with my sister but I'm so glad she came.  What a sweet baby girl!   
The teacups, it's a family favorite. 
Ella in AAWWWEEE on "It's a Small World".  

Becca Jackson you and your family just had a fun and successful trip to Disneyland, what are you going to do next????


Monday, March 16, 2009

Dailee's Baptism

Our little Dailee bug was baptised a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Saturday, March 7th.  What a wonderful day it was!  There was so much anticipation leading up to this very special day.  Dailee was so excited she couldn't stop smiling especially as she entered the water.  I am so grateful for my membership in the church and I am grateful for the ordinances we are able to partake in.  Dave mentioned how this was the most significant day in our family since we were sealed 11 years ago.  How blessed we are!         

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Aubrey!

Today is Aubrey's 6th birthday and I've realized that I haven't posted much about her.  If I have one regret it would be that I didn't start my blog three years ago when she was little.  Aubrey was one of those three-year-olds who would say the darnedest things.  And now I can't remember any of them and I wasn't smart enough to write them down.  One thing about Aubrey is that she suffers from a terrible case of selective hearing.  If you do not first say her name when you want her attention and if she is not looking straight at you eye to eye, don't plan on her hearing one word you say.  But we can overlook that because she is such a joy and we sure do love her!  Happy Birthday Auby daubs!