Alright, well since its January I figure now's a good time to post some summer vacation pictures. Maybe by May I'll post some Christmas pictures.
The last time Dave and I took the kids to the beach Dailee was 2 1/2 and Aubrey was 6 months. So on the 24th of July weekend we headed to the beach! The kids had a blast! Dailee is quite the boogie boarder and she even got mom to give it a try. Not pictures of that though.
I can't go without mentioning the hotel that we stayed in. It wasn't quite as fun as the beach. Our room was about 15 x 15. There was room for a queen size bed but not much else. And in the bathroom, when you sat on the toilet your head it the pedestal sink. But hey, it wouldn't be a family vacation without a little Grizwald experience.