11:30 - Get Ella and bring her in my room.
11:45 - My sweet hubby takes Ella into a hot steamy shower to help her breath so I can get some sleep.
12:15ish - Our fire alarm goes off. When Dave opened the bathroom door all of the steam set off the alarm.
12:30ish - Dave finally gets the alarm shut off.
1:00 - Ella drifts off to sleep.
1:15 - Dailee comes in our room in a panic over Ella being sick and the fire alarm going off (very understandable).
1:30 - Dailee calms down and sleeps in the chair in our room.
1:30 - SLEEP!!!
3:00 - Aurbrey wakes up and is barfing in our toilet#@#!!??? Dave, again to the rescue as I lay in bed wishing I was asleep dreaming about the 10 mile run.
3:30ish - Quinn wets his bed.
4:00ish - Just try not to think of anything but sleep.
5:45 - Alarm goes off!!! Put on those running shoes!!!
6:00 - 7:30 - RUN 10 MILES!!!
Yes, I did it and I proved to myself that I can do hard things, at least physically anyway. I just hope I'm not barfing Saturday morning...