Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Stockings Were Hung

It's true, they were. For the first time in our marriage I got to hang our stockings from a chimney with care. I love having a fireplace. I never really thought much of having a fireplace here in the desert. My parents have one and they have never lit it once in 21 years. So I always thought they were kind of pointless. But, we have used ours a lot this month and I am hooked. I love how watching a log burns makes me feel so peaceful. I love how my kids run to it after their showers so they can warm up. I love how my stockings look hanging from it. I love how Ella goes up to the fire and tries to blow it out. I love how excited Quinn gets every time we tell him we are going to light a fire and he runs out to the garage to carry in the heavy log. And I love the handful of memories I now have from this ol' fireplace. Cheesy but true.


Glen and Rachel said...

We love our fireplace too! You know what makes a really good FHE treat by the fire? S'mores! You should try it.

Chris and Michelle said...

What a beautiful fireplace!! Glad you're already getting such good use out of it and that you can now hang those stockings with pride.

Amy said...

Your fireplace looks so nice with all the decor & of course the cute kids in front of it! Thanks for keeping us posted on the Phoenix Temple.

Katie's Krazy Klan said...

How fun-glad you are enjoying it. Hope3 you had a Merry christmas. Happy new year!

Jaclyn said...

Sitting by the fire reading with my family has been one of the highlights of the holidays. Love that shot of your little guys in front of yours!

Hev and Danaca said...

looks fun, I love fireplaces, they are so cozy!!