Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Just Keep Trying...

Just keep trying. Just keep trying. Just keep trying, trying, trying. What do we do, we try, try, try.

My sweet baby that took forever to crawl isn't in a hurry to walk either. At 17 months she can actually pick up the walker and turn it the direction she wants to go. She looks like a giant in it. I'm sure she'll walk before nursery next month. One can only hope.


Jaclyn said...

How cute is that?! Mae doesn't walk - she runs. Such an adventure chasing her around Nordstrom this morning!

Sam and Carmin said...

I love the intense effort to keep her walker around--apparently she doesn't know it's really easier without the extra appendage.

I'm back online now. I've been without a computer for a few months. So I'm glad to catch up with your blog!

Loves to you and yours!